A stroll down Iztuzu beach near Dalyan in Turkey led to a visit to an amazing lady’s campaign hut for sea turtle conservation – and a new website!

June Haimoff (MBE)
Our Digital Director, Guy Parker is a regular visitor to Turkey and called into Kaptan June’s Sea Turtle Foundation last October. As a keen scuba diver his interest in looking after the world’s sea life was piqued by the lifetime’s work of June Haimoff. Now in her 90s, June lived for several years on Iztuzu beach as she began her campaign to better protect the mainly Loggerhead turtles who breed there.
Now with the support of famous figures such as David Bellamy and having been awarded an MBE, her foundation is well established but must be ever vigilant to new threats to the turtles.
Frustrated when using the existing website, which was fine for its time but in need of redeveloping, particularly for smartphone use, Guy offered our services and the resulting site is now live.
We hope you like it and more importantly we hope you will support the foundation. It’s a great place to visit and to learn about turtles in their natural environment. It also helps educate everyone on the impact tourism can have on marine life.
Please visit the website at dalyanturtles.com and if you’re ever in the area, drop into the Foundation.
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