We strongly feel that images need to look their best, but let us show you what could or couldn’t be possible with a Photoshop expert. Photoshop…Photonot! Could Photoshop rewrite history? Imagine this…
Neil Armstrong didn’t really land on the moon…
…they shot in the desert with a giant prune!
Ask yourself this, did dinosaurs exist? Or have we been falsely lured
with Photoshop tricks?!
Well, if dinosaurs did exist…according to this, mermaids did too!
Perched above the streets or so they seem…
…with a safety net and a green screen!
Retouched paper, believe all about it! FREE NEWS….FREE NONSENSE.
Photoshop should only be used by skilled professionals, never amateurs
and should come with a warning!
See more phototastrophies at :
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