
Check out some of our blogs on how to improve the online presence for your business!

5 Key Ideas

Five Key Ideas for Small Business Marketing

It is an oft-repeated fact that "Small businesses make up the majority of the UK's economy". But there is a vast range of SMEs hidden under this one phrase and their marketing efforts can be equally diverse. Here are five key areas we recommend each business owner considers when they're...
Kaptan June

Turtles need websites too

A stroll down Iztuzu beach near Dalyan in Turkey led to a visit to an amazing lady's campaign hut for sea turtle conservation - and a new website! June Haimoff (MBE) Our Digital Director, Guy Parker is a regular visitor to Turkey and called into Kaptan June's...

Creation ADM “Win” the Children’s Book Award 2016

Creation ADM were recently appointed by The Federation of Children's Book Groups (FCBG) to rebrand one of the nation's biggest literary accolades, The Children's Book Awards. As the only national award for children's books that is voted for by the children themselves, it is highly respected by teachers and parents alike. Founded in...
content marketing agencies manchester

Silverpoint Choose Creation ADM for Digital Campaign

We're delighted to have been appointed by Silverpoint Display to help them with their digital marketing strategy. Silverpoint are one of the UK's leading suppliers of bespoke retail displays. Their clients include Warburtons, Diageo, Aldi and Barclaycard and they have created many stunning product and brand displays for businesses, both large...
Importance of mobile web search

The importance of mobile web search

Many people are now aware that Google ranks websites that are poorly designed for viewing on a smartphone lower than those that perform well. This makes total sense if you recognise that they are trying to reward the user with the best experience when they list websites against the search...
New Starter

A warm welcome to the latest member of our team

This week we welcome a new member to the Creation team Rhydian Hicks, who is joining as an intern for the next few months. He will be running our newsdesk, writing blogs, helping us with Twitter feeds and of course making the odd cuppa for the team. Born and raised...
You tube channel

Why every company needs a fully optimised You Tube Business Channel

A fully optimized YouTube channel is quickly becoming as important a destination site for your business as your web site- as the move towards the audio-visual web gathers pace. Cisco predicts that 70% of web traffic will be video based by 2017. Consumers and business buyers increasingly expect to see audio-visual explanations of product...
Touch me up

Touch me up!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We strongly feel that images need to look their best, but let us show you what could or couldn’t be possible with a Photoshop expert.  Photoshop...Photonot!  Could Photoshop rewrite history?  Imagine this... Neil Armstrong didn’t really land on the moon... ...they shot in the desert with a giant prune!...
What's in a name

What’s in a name?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s a well-worn cliché, but what’s in a name? In business, the most important thing is staking your claim right from the get-go and the easiest way to achieve this is to get your name right. It’s the first impression we give out, it summarises and encapsulates our attitude and...